// The drop down menu needs to allow for navigation to parent as well as drop down.
// This javascript will find all instances of .dropdown-toggle (parent menu items) and if there is
// a .show class (ie; the submenu is showing), it will change to default behaviour (href navigation).
// If no .show class, bootstrap behaviour should be activated.
// Target all parent menu items with a dropdown-toggle
const dropdownToggles = document.querySelectorAll('.dropdown-toggle');
dropdownToggles.forEach(function(dropdownToggle) {
const dropdownMenu = dropdownToggle.nextElementSibling; // Get the corresponding dropdown menu
const dropdown = dropdownToggle.closest('.dropdown'); // Get the closest dropdown container
// Manually track the dropdown visibility state
let isDropdownVisible = false;
// Attach the click event to each parent link
dropdownToggle.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
e.preventDefault(); // Prevent Bootstrap's default behavior of toggling the dropdown
if (isDropdownVisible) {
// If the dropdown is open, navigate to the link
window.location.href = dropdownToggle.href; // Navigate to the href
} else {
// If the dropdown is not open, show it and prevent navigation
const bsDropdown = new bootstrap.Dropdown(dropdownToggle);
bsDropdown.show(); // Explicitly show the dropdown without navigating
// Update our manually tracked state
isDropdownVisible = true;